Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Just How I Like to Travel

Last week I posted a blog asking questions about the style of travel you folks prefer, Travelers Inquirer Within,  and as promised here's my response to the questions . . .

Quality or Quantity:
Honestly, there are places in the world that do not appeal to me as a travel despite the fact that they are "hot spots", so my list of places to go is not as long as your average traveler. It doesn't mean I'm not interested in other places it just means I've got a few I'm going to concentrate on for long periods of time or over many visits before I move on to the "places I never knew" list.
Tourist Takedown or Local Living:
If it's a museum I'm there and I'm there all day long. If it's a building I'll snap a picture as I walk by and then do some research later because honestly just walking the streets and taking in the local atmosphere takes me to my travelers high quicker than any other activity.
Cozy on the Couch or Hotel Hospitality:
I cannot do someone couch or a hostel, I've tried and it doesn't work- I'm a creature of certain comforts. I can rent a room in someone's place- who knew a door could mean so much. I prefer renting an entire apartment with friends or a Bed and Breakfast, the real ones not a hostel complaining to offer toast and orange juice in the morning. A hotel is actually my go to for one or two nights, but after that I'm looking for an apartment or B&B.
Eat Everything or Chef Choice:
I'm eating every single thing and honestly I could careless where that is located. I'm big on doing research before I go to a place and that research is usually food related with an emphasis on "cheap, but good" or "brunch". I've found some great places through research, but I've also found some great places through walking the streets and following the aroma flowing through the streets.

Fellow travelers, feel free to add your own answers after checking out the questions on the Travelers Inquire Within blog post, comment or leave a link to your own blog. I like these types of questions and will probably start doing a few a month- guess something did spark with the Expat Blogger Challenge, hmmm.
Until Next time, Adios, Hasta Pronto, Be blessed . . .

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