Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Dear Champagne, I'll Always Love You

Dear Champagne,
Hey Lady, I know many have tried to blame you during this whole trail, but count me out. Just as the sweet, elderly gentleman who pulled my writhing and bloody self out of the Paris gutter said after you fell a couple of stories and knocked some sense into me, " It's a good bottle, thank goodness they drank it all- those fools for setting such a bottle on the balcony rail". He was so sweet, kind of like you Champagne when mixed with grape fruit juice and sparkling soda. Should I ever see him again I'll buy him a case of the best of you, only the best.
As a matter of fact many folks have uttered the phrase, "thank goodness for that hair of yours", but really I've a few thank you's to throw your directions Champagne . . .

For the first time in my life I did not try to please others, I did what needed to be done to take care of this one body I have. This body that since you landed so gracefully on top of the head connected to the shoulders has witnessed many headaches, lost hearing, become quit dizzy often enough, occasionally experiences blurred vision and the list of troubles goes on. Which is why I said my goodbyes, packed my bags and hightailed it to the U.S. where I did have insurance.
Champagne I'd also like to thank you for all the time I was able to spend with some great souls. Souls who bandaged me up quickly after you did your damage. Who walked the streets with me from clinic to clinic and hospital to hospital. Who sat at the emergency room with me well over six hours into the night and never batted an eyelash. Who since my return to the United States have messaged me constantly with updates and concerns. An odd situation brought us closer together with hours to talk about anything and everything.
Champagne you've been with me through many moments, laughter filled nights, picnics in the park, friend filled brunches and after work turn-downs. If I was able to drink I would have toasted my doctor when he confirmed I have a prolonged concussion with slight nerve damage and promptly referred me to Neurologist. Solid answers deserve endless bubbles!
I'm a firm believer in your healing bubbles and ability to mix with drinks from a stout Guinness to dry Cranberry. When I can bask in your excellence again, I'll have those sweet souls over, invite the ones that greeted me with concern when I landed and thank my family for all their care with bottles and bottles of Lady Champagne toasted to possibly one of the most interesting time periods of my life. Thanks for the memories, sweet.

Until next time, Adios, Hasta Pronto, Be blessed  . . .


  1. Some day when you're in these parts let's get together and hear some great stories! An Ode To Champagne- the Memoir of Dev'n... It writes itself really.

  2. I nominated you for an award!

    1. Thanks a million! I'm so excited to take part, expect the post on Monday.
