Sunday, March 16, 2014

To Quote and To Know

If you've been reading my post for some time then you know I love me some quotes, absolutely eat them up. Any student of mine can tell you, a journal entry over a quote is bound to happen at least twice a week AND I'm always going to have a quote of the week on the most noticeable board in the classroom.
I just think it's nice to read a few words and realize someone else out there in this crazy universe is thinking the same thing I'm thinking- you can't even imagine the odd connection I feel when another person has the same tag quote as I do at the end of their e-mail.
Which is why I 've decided to start featuring a weekly quote here, for you lovely readers and fellow travelers. Feel free to provide a response in the comments below and from here on I'll be introducing the quote with my own comments on the matter. I hope you enjoy . . .

Years ago I was watching Oprah and her guest mentioned how much she loved Oprah's scent. Oprah responded by stating she only wore her favorite lotion. She of course can afford lotions that smell like Lily of the Valley, but me on my constantly broke due to student loans budget can't even afford to walk into the store she buys her lotions from let alone actually purchase the lotion.
Then a few weeks later I was over a friends house cooking breakfast with him for some other friends, and as we were cooking and moving around the kitchen I guess he caught the scent of my soap because when we all settled down outside to eat he mentioned how great I smelled, fresh and awakening.
Then the conversation moved towards every single person at the table agreeing and stating how it was my scent, how they identified that scent with my character. Finally someone asked what perfume I wore and I confessed it was Irish Spring soap. Nothing special and as cheap as soap can get as far as I'm concerned. Another friend mentioned how she used the same soap and it didn't smell the same or stay with her as long. I have no clue why its different for each person, I just know I like the way it works in my favor. Which is why this quote stood out to me so much when I first saw it floating around Pinterest:

Lovely folks, what's your scent and what does it say about you? Or the smell of a loved one that is always with you, why does it linger? Or maybe the scent you've always wanted to smell like, but just can't reach, why is it so important?
Until next time, Adios, Hasta Pronto, Be blessed . . .


  1. Your blog looks great! I love almost all Dolce and Gabbana scents. :) But really Irish spring is nice too! ;)

    1. Thanks, I figure I'm in this blog game for the long run so I better put in some effort. I always think sassy with Dolce and Gabbana, so befitting for you!
