Nothing, just getting to know Jaen and Baeza a little bit better. Just a recap, I live in Jaen, but commute to the smaller town of Baeza to work. At first I was under the assumption that I was only to work in Baeza and play in Jaen, but thank goodness that fog as lifted.
Oddly enough, my true playtime did not begin until I quit working at the private academy I was teaching at during the evenings in Baeza on Monday and Wednesday. The two main reasons for my departure were the long hours into the night and the fact that I signed on to teach but later the school decided to go a different direction with assisting students in learning the English language. As I mentioned way back at the beginning of my moving to Spain adventure the point was to take a break and center my life goals. As much as I adored and miss, man do I miss, those kiddos I am definitely enjoying the freetime.
Despite being in graduate classes online and working, I was still able to do things I enjoyed in town, but now that I have more free time I've been able to transition into my natural groove of socializing and daily routine. I've worked out my carpool (just an fyi that is not a word in Spanish, you have to describe this one folks) and I'm enjoying the company and conversation well- not to mention my understanding of Spanish as tripled. I've been able to meet friends for dinner, coffee, or after work drinks- if you know me you know how much I just l.o.v.e. meeting up with folks in the evening and then heading home to an comfy bed and good book at a sensible hour. Because of siesta when I arrive to Jaen from Baeza after school everyone is locked away in their homes, but in the evenings the shopping and socializing come alive and I'm able to participate now. I know to some the point of this trip would be to visit all the town artifacts and stay up all night enjoying the infamous Spanish nightlife, but that's not how I work. In my opinion if you are constantly walking around looking at the buildings you miss out on the people, the living history that can tell you stories no history book would ever publish.
Tapas With Co-workers and their families. |
However, no worries, I have spent plenty of time in Baeza- once even a long weekend (with many more to follow hopefully), which is actually a UNESCO World Heritage site, so I'm soaking up the history. In Baeza I have enjoyed, in my humble opinion, the best Tapas Spain has to offer. Many disagree, but I'm okay as long as they keep serving. I've found a place that throws great concerts every Thursday night AND I'm getting to spend more time with my co-workers and their families. From the personalized Pallella day, to tapas with other teachers in town, to a night out in Jaen.
A Fancy Kabob, in Baeza. |
There is shrimp all in there, mmmgood! |
At the same time I've been able to concentrate on graduate class, keep in contact with loved ones in the states more frequently and read about five books.
Adjustment is not that bad at all, definitely unexpected in the relationships and routines I've developed, but an overall great start to this adventure.
Roommates walking through a lovely park we discovered in Jaen. |
I'm sure you dear reader have had to adjust to something new and unexpected, whether moving to a different country or new marriage or a completely different job than the previous. I would love to hear all about it, feel free to even provide some tips and tricks!
Until next time, Adios, Hasta Pronto, Be Blessed . . .
The roommates doing Saved by the Bell Halloween Proper. |
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