Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Why I L.O.V.E. Teaching

I'm back! I sooo enjoyed my break, my much needed break. I was sick the majority of the week, but that's okay because it meant I for sure received all the rest needed and was able to spend as much time as possible with my family.

I realized something though, I rarely talk about myself on this blog, and the whole point of this blog is for learning from each other, not just providing information. I'm a firm believer that in order to truly learn from someone there has to be trust and if you don't know me why would you trust me. In an effort for this to truly be a place of learning and growth I'm going to start talking about myself plenty more. And to start off here are the basic reasons why I teach, that drive me daily and get me through the tough times:

My co-workers, they are amazing and make me strive harder every day to be a better teacher and co-worker. 

I know in my soul that my lessons learned and taught to my students go beyond the curriculum. I have lived a very blessed life and know that those blessing can be shared with my students. Who I pray go on in life and  do so much more than I could ever imagine. 

My parents are teachers, so many of my aunts and uncles work in education- one of my grandmothers ran a daycare center. My name means, "to teach". I went to college originally for law school, but knew by the end of the first semester I could not ignore where my heart really lay. Teaching is in my blood and the foundation of my soul.

I love the written word, I love the history of literature and how literature has influenced so many things throughout the world. When I'm discussing my love of literature and authors that's when I really have my students attention, and they have mine. 
The laughs, the smiles and the greatness of my students. Yes, my students can be stinkers, but man oh man can they brighten a day. Not a day goes by that I don't laugh with my students . . . and occasionally have a laugh at their expense.

Those are a few of the reasons that drive me in teaching, just a few. What drives you in your work or just in your life?

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