One of the most exciting parts of participating in The Happiness Project is the fact that I will complete something. Except for my job, I rarely complete anything outside of conversations with others. I love to start a project, but always start another before I complete the first. Since this project builds every month, I'm excited that at the beginning of January 2014, I will be able to confidently state, "Welp that's done" and be the better for the whole experience.
Now for my January Goal and the steps I plan to take to reach that goal:
Get Energized!
Go to sleep earlier.
I usually go to bed around, 1a and I wake up no later than 5:45a depending on what I have to do for the day. During my planning period I fight not to lay my head down on my desk for a quick, but highly inappropriate power nap.
Not to mention if I make it to my bed to follow asleep like a normal person instead of crashing on my couch, it's a miracle. I'd like to spend more nights and longer time in my comfortable bed. I love that bed and I'm it's only real friend, hopefully by the end of the month we're reacquainted with each other on much better level.
Exercise more and better when I do.
I just started the 30 days of working out for 30 minutes. I figure nothing like the joy of no longer having to go everyday to jump start me into going at least 4 times a week. Honestly, with the exception of game nights and Sunday with all it's action, I have no excuses why I do not go to the gym every other day of the week.
I know how to workout, so for now I'm sticking to my bicycle and elliptical machines that worked for me, alternating arms and legs, and then on Thursdays I will attend an excellent Pilate's class offered at my school. The key for the 30 days will be to mix it up, then after that I can get into the routine of classes.
Eat healthier.
The only thing in my fridge is cheese. The only thing in my pantry is black beans, cereal and soup. I'm missing out on the majority of the food groups and you can tell in my energy level. Also, my complexion.
To jump start I'm beginning with the
GM's Cleanse, which focus's on fruits, veggies and water. Everyone I've talked to who's completed the cleanse swears by how much energy you gain.
When I complete the cleanse, I plan on going with Weight Watchers (or one of those eating groups) lifestyle plan, just tweaked to fit myself. Four days of eating on a calorie counter, with one day being dedicated to fruits and another being dedicated to veggies. Three days of eating smart, but fun, no Waffles House yet definitely some Chik-fil-a! I'm excited to see how much, energy I gain overall since my water will definitely be mixed with some of my favorite teas.
Tackle a nagging task.
Decorating! As a child who moved often with a mother who did not believe in decorating because we'd just be moving again in a few years, I have a valid excuse. I just need to stop using this excuse and put some effort into my place.
I've started a few projects here and there, but as I've stated nothing is finished. Since I'm broke at this time, my goal is to complete the task that I can with the things that I can. Complete my desk area organization and note board. Find a place for everything that deserves a place and trash the rest. Move my furniture in my bedroom so that I can finally set-up the new television I received for Christmas. Get the bathroom uncluttered and with a system- even if it is one I have to explain to guest. Finally, put some items on the walls, that's the hardest thing for me since I hate hammering and measuring nails. Everything will have a slight tilt.
Use my time wisely.
I like to talk, their are very few people I can't hold a conversation with and unfortunately this does not work well for me during planning period. There's also the fact that I can easily veg-out on the couch and convince myself that I'll just plan before school or during planning. The previously mentioned time-management issues combined make for plenty of rushing and late nights.
Just like I take the time out to pick out all my outfits for the week on Sunday, I can do the same for my classroom. I've found a Lesson Plan Agenda that fits my style better and can easily move from week to week. Also, I'm arranging things on my desk so multi-tasking can take place. Finally, I'm just going to learn how to discipline myself to do better. This may be the hardest one since I rarely limit myself on anything, but I just have to remind myself that reaching this goal will help me reach many of the others I have set and will set in the future.
I realize I stole some of these straight from the author Gretchen Rubin, but I think we can all agree that everyone could use a little more energy. As Americans especially, we have a habit of working from the time we wake up until the time we go to sleep, and some of us often find ourselves dreaming about work. So Energy it is and Energy it will be!
Feel free to join in an set your own goals, just stop by
The Happiness Project website for tips and my
Getting Started Post for an example of where to begin.