Sunday, October 28, 2012

Octoberfeast is almost over, sadly . . .

 Seriously, my favorite month hands down. Not just because my birthday is smack dab in the middle followed by my grandmother, but it's the beginning of fall. We have a guaranteed school holiday (now just for the kids, but we just need a break from each other at this point), tights, sweaters and men with beards are becoming a daily sight AND I have had soup/chili for the last three days straight.

 It has been a great month with good things, reuniting with old friends, spending more time with friends, eating outside in the crisp air and wearing high socks with my chucks.

Here's to hoping everyone had a wonderful October, visited a few pumpkin patches and head a good bowl of chili.

Cause honestly to some baseball season is the only season.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Peek Into My World

So I just read somewhere that Pinterest and Tumblr work great for high-stress people because it gives them outlets to that stress and also helps them visualize goals in an organized manner. The source was Cosmo Magazine, but I'm not complaining just happy someone understands my addiction.
Anyways, I spend so much more time there than here I figured I'd give you a peek into my other life . . . please don't judge or do, I probably would. Heads up I do not have a Wedding Obsession, yet.

One of my favorite boards has over 288 pins and I named it " Do It Like a Lady". The board has only pictures of women who have made me think at least once in my life and I definitely admire, along with women whose whole personality seems to come through in the photos even though I have no clue who they are. There are only a few photos that feature color, the majority are in black and white and for some reason I think that just makes the board even better. 
Below are a few of my favorites, so hard to choose. Click here if you'd like to take a tour of the entire board.

Every little girls big sister who we will always look up too.

Babs doing her thing.

Cher. Enough said.

The original quirky Lady.

She was on her way to play a baseball game with some boys she bribed with ice cream. She beat them into the dust. Such a Lady.

 "People always ask me, You have so much confidence. Where did that come from? It comes from me. One day I decided that I was beautiful, and so I carried out my life as if I was a beautiful girl; It doesn't have anything to do with how the world perceives you. What matters is what you see. Your body is your temple, it's your home, and you must decorate it." Miss Gabourey

Wasn't she just something

This is an obsession and love greater than.

The visual representation of my spirit

Sophisticated Lady

Why I love RocknRoll

The lady whose show raised me to be the independent gal I am today.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Let Me Check My Calendar

So interesting fact about me, I am now a year older than I was the last time I blogged. Just older, not wiser. I had an amazing weekend with my family, I mean I just hate to say goodbye, but I love to hug them hello. It was a great weekend, I was able to do all that I planned except two things (stop by an old friends classroom and catch up with the roommie from the mission trip), but those are on my to do list for the next visit.

Wicked Witch now teaches 8th graders as a day job. Some would say still working with monkeys, but I'd disagree.

I will say I do see some changes from last year to this year as a person, but what do can you expect. I'm no longer fresh out of college where going to class only happened if it was convenient and I definitely logged more hours in Barnes and Nobles than I did on my transcript. Let's not even talk about the social life. While I still spend plenty of time in B&N and spend quality time with those I care about I also spend plenty of time working my tale ( English Pun) end off at a job I hold dear. I've also started thinking where will this love lead me and for some reason I'm surprised, but why baffles me because it makes so much sense. Tonight and tomorrow night I'm meeting with folks to figure out plans. I have no intentions on rushing anything and definitely believe in a little outline plan- not a detailed plan because those never workout, but a some goals.

I'm excited, I'm excited for so many things I could burst, but instead my body just gets overworked in a little amount of time and I end up passing out- like I did yesterday on the bus to our game ( First B team win and they earned it!) and like I'm about to do right now.
 Good night, I pray you have some excitement, love or just joy in you life to look forward to, it may not be that evident right here in this moment, but just take a look around some corners and I'm sure you'll find it waiting for you.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Moving Things, Doing Thangs

I just performed a huge teacher first, I mean the whole entire time I kept thinking, " Someone is about to figure out I'm pretty green and shut this down real quick." No one did though, and not only did I receive compliments for this great milestone, but I'm pretty sure there will be more. More what you ask. An end of the six weeks Write-In!!!
 Seriously, our Reading Literacy teacher handed me a print out from another explaining how every Friday all their 8th graders join them in the library for a write-in the entire period. I took that idea and turned it into a timed writing that has the students physically walk through the writing process. It was great because the kids finally saw what is needed to complete a detailed essay that answers the prompt with grammatically correct sentences and great diction. While at the same time I was able to see where they struggle in the writing process, what they don't understand about outlining and the fact that plot has not been mastered yet by the majority of my angels in disguise.
Next step, walk them through , step by step the process using the same prompt, but our class essay as a guide. Then they'll compare/contrast theirs to ours. They'll also have a partner grade the essay using the STAAR Rubric and we'll Sentence Trash on the big board. What is Sentence Trashing you say, welp, you just wait and see.

As far as life I've kind of been a roller coaster. First there's extreme joy of celebrating my birthday this upcoming weekend, hello family and friends I have missed dearly and cannot wait to hug! Then there's the rock in my stomach over reconnecting with a guy friend who I've spent the last almost six years trying to get over- I'll blame the time period on lack of decent prospects and not the fact that he's just THAT great of a guy.  Not to mention my parents have caught a second wind in this, " When will our girl settle down" speech. News flash guys, the only meal your girl has cooked in the last two years is soup . . .the thought of cooking eggs makes me no longer hungry, so doubt I'm about turn into "Holly Homemaker" anytime soon. NOW , back to birthday excitement and family hang time, seriously cannot wait!

Talk about taking the plunge